The Common has been awarded its 18th consecutive
Green Flag. This award recognises well managed parks and green spaces around the UK and is now becoming international. According to Epsom & Ewell Insight, Councillor Liz Frost, Chair of the EEBC Environment Committee said:
“Epsom Common is a beautiful and biodiverse space that is available for people, horse riders and cyclists and we’re incredibly proud to receive this award for an 18th consecutive year. This award is a true testament to the hard work and dedication of our volunteers and partners including the Epsom Common Association, the Lower Mole Partnership and Natural England. Thanks to staff and volunteers for continuing to provide a safe, green space for residents to enjoy.”
31 Jul 24
The documents from our 47th AGM held on 23rd April 2024 are available here:
Agenda Minutes_46th_AGM Chair_Report_2023-2024 Accounts_2023
6 May 2024